A sentence from the 22nd week of 2013
"vida problema"Gergely Zayzon
Some background information:
from a skype conversation:
[18:23:18] Koen Vangrinsven: ok, problems solved, move on with our lives
[18:23:32] Gergoe Zayzon: good
[18:23:39] Gergoe Zayzon: i can move to other problems then :)
[18:24:01] Koen Vangrinsven: so for you it is more, live solved move on with the problems then?
[18:24:35] Gergoe Zayzon: wow, that's a strange sentence
[18:24:47] Gergoe Zayzon: couly you please try it in spanish maybe? ;)
[18:25:45] Koen Vangrinsven: well, life is vida, problem is problema, all you have to do is put it in the right order
[18:26:10] Gergoe Zayzon: vida problema
[18:26:12] Gergoe Zayzon: easy
Don't know what will come here, let's wait and see... But in the first instance it will be a login box (for myself):